Moving these safely takes some doing. And five other blokes.
First, you take the big roof support beam off the truck.

Then you back the truck into the courtyard area, so that the lintel beam is close to the back of the house, where it is going to finish up.
Then a couple of people climb on to the truck, three more on ladders, and you shift the lintel off the roof rack (left)....
... and into place (right).
Now for the big beam.
It goes in through the old bathroom window, with a carefully placed cross strut inside to take the weight as it goes in.
First Dave briefs everyone on the plan.
Step 1: Lift one end to the window sill.
Step 2: Start lifting and shoving.
Step 3: Keep lifting and shoving!
Step 4: Keep it going...
Step 5: Getting organised on the inside - more directions from Dave
Step 6: Keep it coming...
Step 7: In and level.
Step 8: Lifting one end up...
Step 9: ...and into place on the newly prepared brickwork.
Step 10: Lift and swing the other end in on to the top of the nib wall left just for this purpose.
Job done!
Isn't it lovely watching experts at work?
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