Monday, 21 May 2018

Flat pack marathon, stage 10

Today the small wardrobe for the second bedroom.
We start with the three drawers as we are pretty expert on IKEA drawers by now. But the overall structure is rather different from the two we built for the main room, so there are some false steps and some pauses to work out things as we build the frame. Early afternoon we realise that on Friday we have picked up the wrong size cross-brace that links the two ladder-like side panels.
We resolve to make another trip to IKEA after we've been to the market for our weekly shop. Returning gives us a chance to not only get the right-sized cross-brace, but also to buy some wood oil for the new kitchen trolley and another blind for the bedroom. We need it because although we have the blind we put up last year, we can't find the fittings anywhere. Bother! But at least we'll have a spare blind if either of the two new ones we are hanging gets damaged.
On our return we get back to wardrobe building and have it all finished in time for a rather late evening meal.

Just one item to go now - a miniscule desk for the second bedroom.

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